"Through cultivated passion for whom we teach and what we teach, we become what we can be, even as we accept the quixotic challenge of helping every learner we encounter become what they can be."
The role of educating young minds effectively seems like a daunting task! I feel overwhelmed and uncertain whether I am adequately prepared for the job of a teacher. I read the instructional material, attend classes, study, and learn, yet there are moments I ponder the day I have my own class, my own students, will I be an adequate teacher? The countless roles and and responsibilities of a teacher is a heavy load to bare, although there are great rewards to teaching. I feel a teacher is one of the most influential professions and life changing positions in our society. Although I am nervous, I look forward to the day when I have my own classroom and students. I will respect the role I play in the lives of my students and give my best to be a truly effective teacher.
Your passion for it WILL, as Carol says, become all that you can -- and want -- to be! I have no doubt. 5 pts.